Extra Sea Week Events on Monday 30th October
Make a weekend of it and stay for the great line up on the Bank Holiday Monday
We have added more to the Sea Week programme for Monday 30th October:
11.00am – visit to exhibition at Interface in the Inagh Valley. Meet outside Veldons at 10.45am. http://interfaceinagh.com/
11.00am – visit the wonderful Oyster Farm in Dawros. Follow road to Renvyle and take the first left. Look out for signs. https://dkconnemaraoysters.com/
1.00pm – Veldon’s Seafarer – Jazz Lunch Koko Ensemble. www.veldons.ie
3.00pm – book launch in the National Park ‘Oyster Gastronomy’ by Mairin Ui Choimin and Michael O’Mara. Music and wine reception. All welcome. http://artisanhouse.ie/product/oyster-gastronomy/
5.00pm – Molly’s Bar – definitely the last one for the road with Seamus O’Flatharta, Plunkett O’Toole and friends.
Check out the full Sea Week programme here: