7pm, Monday 29th October. Courtyard Cafe, Letterfrack.

Under the baton of award winning chef Jonathan Keane, Head Chef at The Lodge at Ashford Castle. Jonathan and his team will present the finest of local produce, making it a night to remember.


This will be the final event of Conamara Sea Week 2018.  It’s a kind of ‘last supper’.  It signals Leo and Clare’s departure from the helm of Sea Week and Bog Week and Inishbofin Summer School.  An evening of celebration where the very best of local produce will be served up with style and generosity.  Mussels, winkles, clams, oysters, razor fish, smoked salmon, smoked mackerel will make this an occasion to remember.  Some ‘would be’ cooks will be part of Jonathan’s highly innovative team and this should add a frisson of excitement to the night.  Only 60 places available so book early.

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